Well, I’ve just walked home from work and am now rather soggy. Don’t we just love the British weather? Therefore I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to share a wee poem I wrote last week about rain. Being half Scots I have grown up hearing lots of different words like ‘dreich’, ‘drookit’ and ‘smirr’ but only found out relatively recently that the Scots actually have over 100 different words for rain! That’s even more words than Inuits have for snow. This inspired me to write a wet little ditty that I hope you’ll like in this rather appropriate weather.
A Wee Bit Dreich
Today it feels a wee bit dreich;
the sky is dreary, grey and bleak.
The grulie weather’s getting mochie
and I think it’s gonnae rain.
I feel a fyag upon my face,
a light schiting now but gaining pace.
The fine smizzle turns to breezy rus
and I forgot my Mack again.
It‘s getting oorlich and my coat is thin,
the soaking smirr seeps through to skin.
A yillen grows into a squall,
sending spindrifts round my soggy feet.
The heavens open with a sump.
The sky lights up with a thunderplump.
It’s hooring down a proper bleeter
which pelshes down the street.
Raindrops stot off dubbs a’puddled,
in the uar I stand in a doorway huddled.
Looks like the kaavie’s in for the day
and I am totally DROOKIT!
©️Eleanor Wallace 2022