This week‘s poem is going down a slightly darker route than the last. We decided on the theme of ‘mirrors’ for my poetry group today and would like to share with you what I wrote. It’s heavily inspired by the style of Blake and explores not just the physical imagery of reflections but the issue of mental health and depression. I hope you like it.
The Broken Mirror
Fine lines spiral like silver cobwebs,
the jagged cracks a sprawling maze.
Like silver bruises on the surface
of a mirror that’s seen better days.
It catches dusty morning motes
and fills the floor with empty beams.
The world cast into kaleidoscopes
of lost hopes and fragmented dreams.
What anguish ravaged the burning brain?
What painful memories holds this place?
What demon of the mind possessed you
to strike down your own reflected face?
Proud splendour shot to painful shards,
a gilded frame now tarnished black.
I gaze past the broken mirror
to the shattered soul who gazes back.
©️Eleanor Wallace 2022