Hi guys, it’s been a few weeks since my last blog; life has been a bit hectic but hopefully back on track with poetry now! As it’s getting brighter and more beautiful outside our poetry group set ‘Holiday’ as this week’s theme. I decided that I would go back to an old poem that I had written several years ago but was never very happy with; sometimes a redraft from a completely fresh perspective is the best thing you can do for a problematic poem!
This one was written during a holiday in Spain. I was sat in the sunshine with a cup of coffee when a couple walked past. The lady was holding a rose and they both looked so happy and in love. I took that single image and created a narrative, focussing on the imagery, colours and beauty of that split second moment. I hope you enjoy!
They stroll when the man turns green,
her hand held tight on the slender arm
belonging to sun-bronzed shoulders
and a tight white vest.
Just as a petite wallflower clings to dry stone,
petals burrowed into blackened moss.
Her locks burn marigold,
tumbling down a sunburnt back
onto a low-slung saffron top,
tie-dye ochre, sequin fires
dance fandango in dazzling flare.
Her right hand holds a single rose
clutched crimson against her bouquet bosom.
The petals shake with every step
as they turn down La Marina.
Along the gentle curve of the sea,
the waters shiver like endless cornflowers
quivering in the salt-kissed breeze.
They skip the cross-cross of patterned pavements.
Feet tango in applauding flip flops,
hips bumping, thighs brushing
to the hushing of hyacinth waves.
She turns to peck her girlfriend’s cheek
and a single petal falls to her feet.
Love creates beauty in every colour.
©️Eleanor Wallace 2022